
Category Competition Asian Junior Robocup 2023

Maze Solving / Coding Mission

This game required participant to construct and program a Maze Solving Robot that will move by following the line track and make decision at each of the junctions to reach more points. The robot is considered completing the task when the robot successfully reaches the END point.

Soccer Cup

To promote teamwork and teststudent ability to construct a robot with high stability and controlling skill to play soccer game.

Creative Innovation

Provide a platform for student to showcase their creativity, innovative and
programming skills. They are required to work together as a team to design a robot based on the given theme. Besides, they will also need to present and demonstrate their robot creation well to convince and impress the judges.

Animasi Robotic Scratch

Participants make animation works, presentations, stories, videos or music on the computer,then work to make them able to interact, act or respond to the physical world outside the computer using various sensors, so that the work becomes alive and able to interact between the computer and the physical environment

Teather Robot

The contestant should to demonstrate people & robot that performs
interesting tasks for applications, such as in entertainment, domestic chores, industry etc.

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